Local Name : Ronga Chandan (Assamese), Lal Chandan (Hindi), Rakta Chandan (Bengali)

Scientific Name: Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.

English Name : Red Sandalwood
Bark Cracked
Commercial Value Timber and Medicine
Final Financial Return ₹50,000-₹60,000
Final Harvesting Period 20 Years-40 Years
Flower Color yellow
Flowering Time April, June and May
Fruit Type Pod
Fruiting Time September and August
Growth Rate Slow
Leaf Shape Cordate and Ovate
Nursery technique

Well drained sandy loam or loamy soils are selected for nursery; beds of standard size 1.2m x 1.2m are prepared, raised above the ground by side supports, and sown with 10-15 kg pre-treated pods per bed, and covered with a thin layer of soil, brushwood or hay. Stumps can be prepared from one- to two-year-old seedling; older and larger seedlings being preferred.

Plant parts used Wood
Planting mechanism

It regenerates easily and adequately under natural conditions, provided the factors are favourable, viz., loose soil, protection against hot sun in early stages and fire and browsing animals later on. Under adverse conditions of fire and grazing, seedlings die-back year after year for several years before sending up a strong, vigorous shoot. Seedlings respond remarkably to gradual opening of the canopy, by stages, from lower cover upwards.

Seed Collection Time February and March
Site Suitability All Areas
Tree Character Deciduous
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