Local Name : Bokphul (Assamese), Bak, Buko (Bengali), Agasti (Hindi)

Scientific Name: Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poiret

English Name : Swamp pea
Bark Smooth
Commercial Value Medicine and Fodder
Flower Color White, Red and Pink
Flowering Time June and May
Fruit Type Pod
Fruiting Time July and August
Growth Rate Fast
Leaf Shape Elliptic and Pinnate
Nursery technique

Seeds are sown in polythene bags soon after collection in May, and watered regularly. Germination starts on the third day of sowing and is complete within a week to ten days. Seedlings grow very rapidly and are fit for planting out in about a month.

Plant parts used Leaves and Flower
Planting mechanism

The species can be raised both by direct sowing and polythene bag.Direct Sowing: The site is burnt and patches well worked beforehand. Sowing is done in early June, at the break of monsoon rains. Seedlings are kept well weeded and tinned. For pulpwood plantations, patches may be as 0.9 m x 0.9m.Polythene bag plants are planted out in pits, 30 cm3, in June- July of the same year of sowing; optimum spacing appears to be 1.2 m x 1.2 m.

Recurring Financial Return ₹5,000-₹10,000
Recurring Harvesting Period 10 Years onwards
Seed Collection Time February
Site Suitability All Areas
Tree Character Deciduous
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