Local Name : Tenga kotora (Assamese), Karmai (Bengali), Amli (Hindi)

Scientific Name: Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.

English Name : Mountain ebony
Bark Fissured and Exfoliating
Commercial Value Fodder
Flower Color Dull white
Flowering Time September and August
Fruit Type Pod
Fruiting Time November and October
Growth Rate Moderate Fast
Leaf Shape Cordate
Nursery technique

Seed is sown in drills, 20-25 cm apart, in shaded beds, in April- May, covered with soil to a depth of 5-6 mm; and regularly watered and weeded. Germination commences in 4- 10 days. Seedlings are fit for planting out in the very first rains; later on, long tap root becomes difficult to handle.

Plant parts used Leaves and Flower
Planting mechanism

Seeds germinate early in rainy season; seedlings appear in plenty around the mother trees. Regeneration is quite successful on hilly or gently sloping ground, where the flat seed may get covered by loose earth washed down during the rains.

Recurring Financial Return ₹5,000-₹10,000
Recurring Harvesting Period 15 Years onwards
Seed Collection Time February and March
Site Suitability All Areas
Tree Character Deciduous
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