Local Name : Kaju (Assamese, Hindi), Hijli Badam (Bengali)

Scientific Name: Anacardium occidentale L.

English Name : Cashew tree
Bark Rough
Commercial Value Food
Flower Color Greenish White
Flowering Time January, February, April, December and March
Fruit Type Drupe
Fruiting Time May, March, June, July, August and April
Growth Rate Slow
Leaf Shape Obovate
Nursery technique

Collected seeds are soaked in water for 24hrs. Seedlings can be best raised in 25cm x 15cm polypots. The polypots should consist of numerous drainage holes in case of heavy rains. The pot mixture consist of red soil, coarse river sand and compost in 1:1:1 proportion. In areas with heavy rainfall coarse river sand can be excluded from the mixture. The seeds are dibbled to a depth of 2.5cm in the polypots. Regular watering is required. During dry months polypots should be mulched to retain water.


Plant parts used Fruits
Planting mechanism

Spacing of 5m x 5m.

Recurring Financial Return ₹5,000-₹10,000
Recurring Harvesting Period 5 Years onwards
Seed Collection Time September and October
Site Suitability Foothills
Tree Character Evergreen
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