Local Name : Amora, Amara, Amartenga (Assamese), Amra, Ambra (Hindi, Bengali)

Scientific Name: Spondias mangifera (L.f.) Kurz

English Name : Indian Hog Plum
Bark Smooth
Commercial Value Medicine and Food
Flower Color White
Flowering Time May
Fruit Type Drupe
Fruiting Time September
Growth Rate Moderate Fast
Leaf Shape Oblong and Elliptic
Nursery technique

Seeds are extracted from mature fruits by removing the flesh from the stone. These are then directly sown on the mother bed and are covered with earth. The germinative capacity of the seeds decreases by about 50% after a year of storage. Therefore, it is necessary to utilise the seeds in the year of collection. No. of seeds per kg is 290.

Plant parts used Fruits
Planting mechanism

Nursery-raised seedlings should be transplanted when about 3in. high during the first rains. Spacing of 5m x 5m.

Recurring Financial Return ₹5,000-₹10,000
Recurring Harvesting Period 10 Years onwards
Seed Collection Time December and January
Site Suitability All Areas
Tree Character Deciduous
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