Local Name : Mouhita, Medeluwa (Assamese)

Scientific Name: Dalbergia assamica Benth.

English Name :
Bark Rough and Fissured
Commercial Value Ornamental
Final Financial Return ₹20,000-₹30,000
Final Harvesting Period 20 Years-40 Years
Flower Color White and purplish blue
Flowering Time April and May
Fruit Type Pod
Fruiting Time January and December
Growth Rate Moderate Fast
Leaf Shape Oblong
Nursery technique

A nick is made in the seed coat but care should be taken so as to not damage the embryo. These are then soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing in the nursery beds.


Plant parts used Wood
Planting mechanism

Spacing of 5m x 5m.

Seed Collection Time February and March
Site Suitability Upper Assam and Khasi Hills
Tree Character Deciduous
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