Local Name : Korpur (Assamese), Karpur (Bengali), Kapur (Hindi)

Scientific Name: Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl.

English Name : Camphor tree, Camphor laurel
Bark Rough
Commercial Value Medicine, Aromatic and Ornamental
Flower Color Pale green
Flowering Time April and March
Fruit Type Berry
Fruiting Time June and July
Growth Rate Fast
Leaf Shape Deltoid
Nursery technique

Fresh seed is sown in shaded nursery beds or boxes during late winter; the soil should be well worked and porous. Seeds are sown 4 cm apart in lines, and covered to a depth of 1 cm. Germination is slow; may take some months. During the first rainy season, plants are pricked out in the nursery at a spacing of about 15 cm x 20cm or into polythene bags or baskets. They will be ready for planting out in the second rains; the long tap root should be trimmed down and stem pruned.

Plant parts used Bark
Planting mechanism

The tree can be raised by planting out nursery raised seedlings, layers, branch cutting or root cuttings, or by transplanting root suckers. Planting out nursery seedlings is most successful for raising plantations. Layering is fairly successful but slow. Branch cuttings give poor survival. Root cuttings, 6 cm or more in length, are quite successful. Planting spacement may be 2m x 2m to 2.5m x 2.5m.

Recurring Financial Return ₹5,000-₹10,000
Recurring Harvesting Period 15 Years onwards
Seed Collection Time October
Site Suitability Avenues
Tree Character Evergreen
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