Local Name : Koroi (Assamese), Safed siris (Hindi)

Scientific Name: Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth.

English Name : White Siris
Bark Smooth and Exfoliating
Commercial Value Timber
Final Financial Return ₹10,000-₹20,000
Final Harvesting Period 40 Years-60 Years
Flower Color yellowish white
Flowering Time July and June
Fruit Type Pod
Fruiting Time September and October
Growth Rate Fast
Leaf Shape Oblong
Nursery technique

Treated seed (hot water or cold-water soaking treatment) is shown in nursery beds in drills 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm in May. Light watering is given for about a week. Germination commences in 3-4 days and generally completes in 3 weeks. Seedling are 13-15 cm high in July of the same year and are fit for planting out with or without ball of earth, during rains.


Plant parts used Wood
Planting mechanism

Abundant seed crop is produced almost annually; pods are blown by wind to considerable distances. Seeds readily germinate early in the rains. Loose soil and plentiful moisture are favourable factors.

Seed Collection Time February and March
Site Suitability All Areas
Tree Character Deciduous
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